Better for you, better for planet

SpirulinaNord is founded by two researchers - Agnese and Kristīne and more than 10 years of experience in innovative solution design. Kristīne has experience in biotech, biomethane processes. Agnese has experience in various chemical engineering tasks and the organization of events. With our third co-founder Kaspar’s business experience we have developed a start-up for growing spirulina in Latvia. We believe that biotech is a future field as smart technologies become more affordable, so we can better ensure ideal parameters for biomass growth and get higher quality with fewer resources.

We have read so many studies on spirulina’s great effects on our health, tried it by ourselves, so we believe that everybody should try FRESH and TASTY spirulina. It is time to forget smelly spirulina powder.

Our mission is to develop a sustainable growth system and to spread spirulina love in the closest region.

Our moto "Food is for health".

Our vision is to offer fresh spirulina in various products. To cooperate with experienced food industry partners and make spirulina a common ingredient. Our best partners also should work along with motto: "better for you, better for the planet".

SpirulinaNord technology

99% of spirulina is produced in shallow ponds (~30cm deep, hundreds of ha large). We have developed technology that is
    1. 20x cheaper than similar indoor glass tube PBR
    2. 5x less land space needed, additionally, a multi-floor building can multiply this several times. 10m3 of PRB needs 20m2 of land incl a harvesting path.
    3. 3x less energy needed due to innovative lighting solution
    4. 3x less water and minerals needed than in an open pond system
    5. 2-3x higher yield of the day because the system is independent of climate, weather, and daylight length (optimal illumination for 16 h instead of 12h and overexposure in midday)
    6. 2x longer season - non-stop production 12 months a year
    7. PREMIUM quality - Closed system for contamination prevention

    Excellent system for urban areas or complicated relief spots as land in the EU is expensive and EU citizens expect the lower impact on ecology and higher traceability of production. This system offers locally produced spirulina with low environmental impact and high nutrition value. Each produced ton of spirulina captures 0.7 t of CO2 and serves as an oxygen production site. That is especially important for crowded cities with a low green area ratio.

We grow in the North, closer to you, to ensure a fresher product and less transportation caused pollution in the world.

SpirulinaNord products

We develop products that are based on local ingredients. We support local farmers. We keep our customers’ health by choosing the most potent ingredients mildly treated to offer them the power of nature as fresh as possible.

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