Fresh Frozen Spirulina Cubes- 12 Servings
Fresh spirulina is a natural, unprocessed food rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Unlike most superfood name worthy products, it has a very neutral taste. Unlike artificial vitamin mixtures, which often cause side effects and irritate the stomach, such as iron preparations, spirulina is easily absorbed, improves the gastric microflora and does not irritate the digestive tract. Allergies are practically not observed, however, as with any new product, we recommend watching the body's reaction to find the right amount for you. Due to the high vitamin content, we recommend taking it in the first half of the day.
Frozen fresh spirulina is completely natural, does not contain preservatives, bulking agents, artificial vitamins or other additives.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE: use thawed. Stir in water, yogurt, smoothie, cold sauce, dessert or ice cream. The taste is practically imperceptible, so it can be added to any of your favorite drinks or foods that suit the color green.
Store frozen (-18 ° C). Once thawed, store at + 4… + 6 ° C and use within 24 hours. It is recommended to thaw in juice - then thawed stays fresh longer (does not change color and smell). Upon melting, a blue color may be released because there is a blue "juice" inside the spirulina cell - this is the valuable antioxidant phycocyanin. It does not change the quality or safety of spirulina. Degradation of thawed spirulina is indicated by the appearance of a pronounced unpleasant odor (such as that of dried spirulina).
Customer reviews
Karīna M., 1 Dec, 2023
Spirulīnas efekts, kas man vislabāk patīk ir enerģija, ko tā dod. Labi ir arī, ka garša ir neitrāla. Vienīgi cena šķiet ļoti augsta. Prieks, ka pie mums Rīgā to var audzēt.
Evita P., 2 Sep, 2023
Saldētas spirulīnas ūdens glāzei man prasās klāt kādu sīrupu, tad nejūtu aļģīšu piegaršu:). Efekts ir unikāls, neko nepārspīlējot!
Natalia, 5 Apr, 2023
A product of a high quality. It has soft neutral taste and smell. I defreeze it and eat it pure with water.